Friday 21 August 2020

Create Empty Dataframe In Spark - Without Defining Schema


There may be cases where we need to initialize a Dataframe without specifying a schema.
Let's see how to do that
empty_DF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.emptyRDD(),StructType([]))

StructType([]) This creates an empty schema for our dataframe.

Monday 17 August 2020

Create Widget in Databricks Python Notebook

 In order to get some inputs from user we will require widgets in our Azure Databricks notebook.
This blog helps you to create a text based widget in your python notebook.



Lets see the result of above widget in Notebook.

Oh yeah....our widget got created.
Now lets enter some inputs in the widget.

Now if you check, the code block has already executed and displayed your entered widget value.

You are done.

Go ahead and create one 😊