Saturday 23 August 2014

Example for Apriori Algorithm

Lets take a store data
To start with Apriori follow the below steps.
Step 1: Initially we need to find Item 1 Frequent Dataset
book 6
chalk 3
eraser 6
pen 8
pencil 7
Ink 1
We will say that an item set is frequent if it appears in at least 3 transactions of the itemset: the value 3 is the support threshold.

Support count = 3 (user defined)

So the items less that support count can be discarded form F1 frequent Dataset.
so our new set will be
book 6
chalk 3
eraser 6
pen 8
pencil 7
Step 2: We need to generate size 2 frequent item pair sets by joining L1 set
eg:{book} U {chalk} => {book,chalk} and so on..



Once the transactions are joined we need to identify the no occurence of the above data items in original transaction(That will be the support count of C2)
{book,chalk} 2
{book,eraser} 2
{book,pen} 4
{book,pencil} 5

{chalk,eraser} 2
{chalk,pen} 2
{chalk,pencil} 0

{eraser,pen} 5
{eraser,pencil} 3

{pen,pencil} 5
Transactions less that support count can be discarded form C2 frequent Dataset
{book,pen} 4
{book,pencil} 5
{eraser,pen} 5
{eraser,pencil} 3
{pen,pencil} 5
To find C3 loop through L2
eg: {book,pen} U {book,pencil} => {book,pen,pencil}
{book,pen,pencil} 3
{chalk,eraser,pen} 2
{eraser,pen,pencil} 2
Transactions less that support count can be discarded form C3 frequent Dataset
{book,pen,pencil} 3
There are no transaction to join further.
So our Frequent item sets are
book 6
chalk 3
eraser 6
pen 8
pencil 7

{book,pen} 4
{book,pencil} 5
{eraser,pen} 5
{eraser,pencil} 3
{pen,pencil} 5

{book,pen,pencil} 3
Step 3: We need to generate Strong Assosiaction  Rules for frequent Set using L1,L2and L3

Say confidence is 60% and Support count is 3.So we have to find the Transactions with no.of item 3  and which has a confidence >=60.Now we can identify L3 set
{book,pen,pencil} 3

Finding Ruleset
{book,pen} => pencil
{book,pencil} => pen
{pen,pencil} => book

pencil => {book,pen}
pen => {book,pencil}
book => {pen,pencil}
Now we need to find the confidence of each transaction
eg: {book,pen} => pencil
           = support Cnt{book,pen,pencil}/ support count({pencil})

Therefore rules having confidence greater than and equal to 60 are
book,pen=>pencil 75.0
book,pencil=>pen 60.0
pen,pencil=>book 60.0
These are the strongest rules.
If a customer buys book and pen he have a tendency to buy a pencil too. Like wise if he buys book and pencil he may buy pen too.

Calculating Mean in Hadoop MapReduce

Given a csv files we will find mean of each column (Optimized approach)


 Takes each input line and calculate the sum and stores the no of lines it sumed.Then sum get stored in a hash map with key as column Id.cleanup emits the sum and total line count inorder to take the overall mean.As we know each map only gets a block of input data.So while summing up we need to know how many elements summed up.

//Calculating sum
if (sumVal.isEmpty()) {
 //if sumval is empty add elements to sumval
 } else {
//calculating sum
 double sum = 0;
 for (Integer colId : mapLine.keySet()) {
  double val1 = mapLine.get(colId);
  double val2 = sumVal.get(colId);
  * calculating sum
 sum = val1 + val2;
 sumVal.put(colId, sum);


 Sums of the values for each key.

Reducer calculates 2 sums.
  1. Sums the values for each key and 
  2. Sums total no.of linecount

for (TwovalueWritable value : values) {
 //Taking sum of values and total number of lines 
 sum += value.getSum();
 total += value.getTotalCnt();
 //sum contains total sum of all elements in each column
 //total contains total no of elements in each column
 mean = sum / total;
 context.write(key, valEmit);

This approach helps in avoiding a large no of communication with reducer.Reducer needs only to sum up few values from mapper.
Say we have only 3 mappers and 4 columns in input set.Reducer only want to wait for 4 values from each mapper(no.of columns also considered)

Complete code : GitHub Link